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The program highlights the recent trends in marketing, identifying the customer needs as well as the concepts of food preservation, food packing and marketing.

Food packaging and marketing means ensuring safe delivery to the ultimate consumer in sound condition at optimum cost. A coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing and end-use is to be established. A techno-commercial function aimed at optimizing the costs of delivery while maximizing sales (and hence profits) is focused in this short-term certificate program.


→ Understand the recent trends of marketing a food product.

→ Classify various food processing and packaging methods.

  • XII Standard pass-out.
  • Bachelor's Degree Holder / Graduate in any discipline from a recognised University.
  • International / SAARC Graduate from a recognised / accredited University /Institution.

  • The duration of the program is three months.
  • The registration period is valid for six months.

Credit Points : 4

Recent Trends in Marketing
Food Processing and Packaging


Entrepreneurs, Self-starters who want to initiate own business

Application Form Fee
The application form fee for applicants applying under:
  • General & Defence Category is: ₹1200
  • International & SAARC Category is: US$100
Note: Application fee is non-refundable.
Program Fee Payment
Students have to pay the program fees as per below specified timelines.
One Time Payment: Pay full fee in one instalment immediately after grant of admission & avail timely benefits of the program.
Category One time full payment
General ₹ 5,000/-
Defence ₹ 5,000/-
International $110
SAARC $110
Note: Program commencement is subject to sufficient enrollments for the program. Exam fees and submissions fee is not included in program fee. Pay Exam fees and submissions fee separately. Pay exam fee per paper per attempt. Exam fees or submissions fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. SCDL does not accept any type of fee in cash.
Mode of Payments
Online: Students can pay application form fee, program fee and all exam fees online. OR
Demand Draft: Students can pay program and all exam fees via Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of
“The Director SCDL, Pune” payable at Pune.


3 Months

  • Entrepreneur


  • Self-Starters who want to initiate own business

    Self-Starters who want to initiate own business


